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{reference article title}


{Document author tip: Summarize what this reference article is about. Explain what all the entries defined on the page have in common. What you put here is reused in the Overview section of your doc site and included in HTML description tags. For help with writing and structuring a reference article, see the file in this directory. Check out if you need help with markdown syntax. }

{Document author tip: It can be helpful to split up your reference page into subsets of related enries. For example, the reference page for an API endpoint might include subsets of entries for “General Requirements”, “Request Parameters”, and “Responses”}. The formats of entries might be different for each subset; for example, “General Requirements” might be a bulleted list, while “Request Parameters” and “Responses” are tables. }

{subset of reference entries}

{table or other structured presentation of entries}

{Document author tip: Here is a starter table for a subset of entries for parameters.


Name Type Required Description
productCode string Yes Code of the document product to return the schema for.
<ul><li>Here is a bulleted list with a | (pipe) inside a table.</li><li>Another bulleted list.<ul><li>An indented list</li></ul></li><li>Back to the list.</li></ul>
