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The {Project name} team

The Our Team template includes:

This page lists the people who currently contribute in key roles in {Project name} and what their responsibilities are.

{Project name} is powered by a great community and a team of dedicated folks who keep our project moving forward. We are always looking for more people to help with:

If you’re interested in helping out, get in touch with someone from the team you’re interested in. {Add a sentence or two about the best way people can contact the team and get involved.}

Table of contents

Community moderators

{This section is optional, but recommended. Only include this section if your project actually has individuals in this role.}

This team ensures our community is healthy, vibrant, and safe for all who want to participate.

This team:

The current community moderators are:

{Writing tip: Consider listing people alphabetically by first name.}

For more information:

{Name of first team or role}

This team {write a sentence or two describing what the team is primarily responsible for}.

This team:

The current {name of team or role} members are:

For more information:

{Name of second team or role}

This team {write a sentence or two describing what the team is primarily responsible for}.

This team:

The current {name of team or role} members are:

For more information:

Thank you to past team members

{This section is optional.}

We are thankful for the hard work and dedication of these past team members:
