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title: template for logging author: The Good Docs Project uri-repo: company: REPLACEME product: # Set the product parameter to add the product name here. app: # Insert the name of the app here. tags: # Set other global keywords here like app name and product name or any other likely labels. These are comma-separated tags. —

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{pipeline} for {app}

Logging description

Parameter name Description
Log pipeline name Specify the name of the logstash pipeline in this field.
Description Summarise why this log format exists, or why you would look for this log. What you put here is reused in the Log description section and included in HTML description tags.
Log format Specify the format of the log file: XML or JSON.
Log transfer method Single-line curl using MSSQL Service Broker.
App writes to a log file which is shipped to logstash using filebeat.
Output location If the output location uses curl, then specify a URL similar to https://logs.{company}
If the output location is to a file, specify the /path/to/the/logfile.

Logging example

Logging example


Log properties

In addition to the mandatory logging properties sent for all log pipelines, the following log properties are sent for this pipeline.

Property name Description Logstash type Logstash type
This example row will give you an idea of what to put in this table csdb_appflow.api-guid The unique API GUID from a <_company_> application flow. This information is extracted from the element in the XML log Choose One string integer float BB31E8B6-88C8-4DEB-9529-8EFD7F680C0B
