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{Before using this template, read the accompanying installation guide.}


{The installation guide template includes information on writing procedures for successfully installing {product name}. {Insert your preferred description of the installation process.}

{Optional: Add a demo GIF that shows what the installed project would look like or link to a sandbox or playground to test out the product and explore its features.}

Installation types

This guide explains the steps and instructions required to install {product name} on supported operating systems. It also explains how to configure, start, and uninstall {product name}}.

{Include a table to capture the different installation types, such as:

Type Description More information
{Name of installation type} {Description of installation type} {Link to the relevant installation steps section}
{Name of installation type} {Description of installation type} {Link to the relevant installation steps section}


{This section is optional.}

{Add a list of the available project versions, link to the installation guide for that version, and highlight the latest, beta, or stable version as listed in the following table:}

Version Build Release Date Status
V {versionNumber} {versionNumber release} {dd/mm/yyyy} {Latest}
V {versionNumber} {versionNumber release} {dd/mm/yyyy} {Beta}
V {versionNumber} {versionNumber release} {dd/mm/yyyy} {Stable}

{Explain the intended result of the explain the intended result of the installation, such as the commands, command aliases, major flags, available plugins, files downloaded, or application programs.}

{Add a sequential end-to-end summary of the installation process that can serve as a quick link or reference section for users as listed in the following table:}

  Process More information
1. Before installing, check the system requirements to ensure your computer is supported in the latest version of {product name}. {Link to relevant documents}
2. Check the system prerequisites to install all the required {software, dependencies, tools.}. {Link to relevant documents}
3. {List additional steps.} {Link to relevant documents}
4. Verify that the installation was successful. {Link to relevant documents}

System requirements

{Start by breaking this into sub-sections based on the number of installation types (product type, operating system, or cloud—especially for projects that require self-hosting to work). Based on your use case, you can use this section reversely by having the installation type as the heading and system requirements for that type as a sub-section.}

{Mention for all installation types.}

Before you begin

{List and highlight all the required prerequisites here. Consider making this a table.}

Before installing {version number}, ensure you have:

{Include prerequisites for all installation types.}

Type Prerequisites Note(s)
{Installation type name} {Installation type prerequisites} {Important considerations}
{Installation type name} {Installation type prerequisites} {Important considerations}

Installation steps

The following procedure explains how to install {installation type name} and {optional version number}.

{Provide a short introduction to the step-by-step procedure based on the installation type.}

Get started with {version number} by {write the first step a user needs to start the installation. Use a verb to start.}

Step 1 - One-sentence description of the step

{Optionally, introduce this section with brief explanatory text.}

{Continue with a list section if these steps include a sequence of instructions}

{Optional: include a code snippet or relevant screenshot that helps your users complete the steps.}

{Optional: show the result of completing this step, such as a text output or an image).}

1.1. Substep 1 - One-sentence description of the step

{Optionally, introduce this section with brief explanatory text.}

{Continue with a list section if these steps include a sequence of instructions}

1.2. Substep 2 - One-sentence description of the step

{Optionally, introduce this section with brief explanatory text.}

{Continue with a list section if these steps include a sequence of instructions.}

Step 2 - One-sentence description of the step

{Optionally, introduce this section with brief explanatory text.}

{Continue with a list section if these steps include a sequence of instructions.}

Verify installation

{Include test commands, intended outputs, or other steps to confirm the installation was successful.}

Post installation

{Provide an overview of options or link to other relevant documentation once installation has been completed. Also, account for anticipated problems during or after installation.}

{Optinal: include short introduction text.}

Configuration options

{Provide information regarding post-installation configuration options.}

{Describe the requirements for configuring the installed product.}

{Link to relevant documentation if needed.}

Upgrade options

{Provide information regarding upgrade options, also known as an update options.}

{Describe how to install updates from a range of possible options.}

{Provide a link to available updates with specific version numbers, release dates, and key features.}

Example: To begin the system updates:

  1. Choose the version number.
  2. Download the update at link.
  3. Double-click the update file.
  4. Additional steps as needed.

Downgrade options

{Provide information regarding downgrading the version installed.}

Uninstallation options

{Provide information regarding uninstalling the product, software, SDK, package, library, framework installed.}


{This section helps solve problems encountered during installation. Start with a problem statement, then indicate the cause and provide a solution. Additional information can be added (e.g., restart the computer)}.

{Add a warning note and highlight in color if the action has the potential to affect security.

Communicating with the product engineers and programmers is essential to keep this section up-to-date.}

{Problem: …}

{Cause: …}

{Solution: …}

{Support/contact information for issue reports and feedback.}

Next steps

{Include what to do after a successful installation, such as a recommended next step or links to further recommended documentation.}

Product version history

{History section with major changes to the installation guide tabulated following the Major.Minor.Patch semantic versioning specification.}

Definition of terms

{Optional: Provide a glossary table describing the terms, acronyms, and abbreviations used in the installation guide.}

Term Meaning
{Term, acronym, or abbreviation} {Provide a definition of the term or acronym or abbreviation used in this guide.}
{Term, acronym, or abbreviation} {Provide a definition of the term or acronym or abbreviation used in this guide.}
