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{Before using this template, read the accompanying how-to template guide}


This guide explains how to {insert a brief description of the task}.

{Optional: Specify when and why your user might want to perform the task.}

Before you start

{This section is optional}

Before you {insert a brief description of the task}, ensure:

{Task name }

{Optional: Provide a concise description of the purpose of this task. Only include this if the purpose is not clear from the task title.}

{You can use this format to describe your steps:}

  1. {Write the step here. Use a verb to start.}

    {Optional: Explanatory text}

    {Optional: Code sample or screenshot that helps your users complete this step.}

    {Optional: The result of completing this step.}

  2. {Write the step here. Use a verb to start.}

    2.1. {Substep 1}

    2.2. {Substep 2}


{This section is optional. Include a sub-task only if the task is big and complex.}

See also

{Include references and/or links to other related documentation such as other how-to guides, conceptual topics, troubleshooting information, and limitation details if any.
