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{Project Name} Contributing Guide

{Note: The contributing guide template is customizable; you can reorder, rename, and remove sections that do not apply to your project. To learn how to use this template, read the accompanying guide.}


Welcome to the {Project Name} Contributing Guide, and thank you for your interest.

If you would like to contribute to a specific part of the project, check out the following list of contributions that we accept and their corresponding sections that are within this guide:

However, at this time, we do not accept the following contributions:

{Project Name} overview

The purpose of the {Project Name} is to {describe your project’s objectives or provide an external link to an introductory document, such as the project’s README file}.

Ground rules

Before contributing, read our {link to the Code of Conduct} to learn more about our community guidelines and expectations.

Community engagement

Refer to the following channels to connect with fellow contributors or to stay up-to-date with news about the {Project Name}:

Share ideas

To share your new ideas for the project, perform the following actions:

  1. {Step 1}
  2. {Step 2}
  3. {Step 3}

Before you start

Before you start contributing, ensure you have the following:

Environment setup

To set up your environment, perform the following actions:


If you encounter issues as you set up your environment, refer to the following:

Best practices

{Option 1} Our project has adopted the following best practices for contributing:

{Option 2} Our project uses the {name and link to resource for best practices, such as a coding style guide or writing style guide} as our parent guide for best practices. Reference the guide to familiarize yourself with the best practices we want contributors to follow.

Content style guide

Read our {name and link to your style guide} to understand our guidelines for writing and formatting documents. The purpose of our style guide is to ensure consistency in the tone, voice, and structure of our documentation.

Contribution workflow

Fork and clone repositories

{Provide instructions on how to fork and clone your repository. Alternatively, provide a link to a Git guide that explains the process.}

Report issues and bugs

{Provide instructions on how to report problems.}

Issue management

{Provide instructions on how to create, tag, and assign issues.}

Commit messages

{Provide instructions on how to format commit messages.}

Branch creation

{Provide instructions on how to create and/or name a branch.}

Pull requests

{Provide instructions on how to submit a pull request. Share a link to an example pull request or include the pull request template you want contributors to use within this section.}


{Provide a description of the release process and cadence for the project, such as the source code.}

Text formats

{Provide information on what you need contributors to know and use to edit and create documents.}
