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Template Code of Conduct remediation record

The Code of Conduct remediation record template includes:

You might also consider using the ../our-team/ template to let your community members know who they can contact to report a Code of Conduct violation. This document is useful beyond Code of Conduct violations. It is a core document that helps you clearly communicate who belongs to your open source project or organization.

TIPS FOR THE COMMUNITY MODERATOR: When meeting with a community member to explain the outcome of a Code of Conduct violation, strive for these goals:

Incident number

{Use the same incident number that was assigned to the incident report.}

Name of community moderator who remediated the incident

{Put your name here.}

Name of community member involved in the incident

{List the name of the community member who committed the Code of Conduct violation.}

Severity level

Select one:

[ ] High [ ] Medium [ ] Low

Impact level

Select one:

[ ] High [ ] Low


Select one:

[ ] Correction [ ] Warning [ ] Temporary ban [ ] Permanent ban [ ] None

{List any additional details about the outcome and consequences as needed.}

Behavior modification plan

{List the details of the behavior modification plan as discussed with the other community moderators.}

Do you agree to follow the plan?

{Yes/no.} {If no, proceed to the consequences listed in the next section.}

Consequences if they do not agree to the behavior modification plan

{List the consequences if the community member who committed the Code of Conduction violation does not agree to the plan. The suggested consequence is removal from the community.}

Who can they appeal this decision to?

{Explain the options for appealing a decision as explained in the Code of Conduct policy. Explain that they must still comply with the incident response plan even if an appeal process is underway.}

Reported person’s response to the plan

{Provide details about how the community member responded to the proposed plan.}

Additional information gathered

{List any other observations or notes as needed.}
