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Bug Report Template

If you need more information about how to fill in this template, read the accompanying Bug Report Guide.

This template includes writing instructions and boilerplate text that you can customize, use as-is, or completely replace with your own text. This text is indicated in {curly brackets}. Make sure you replace the placeholders with your own text.


{A description of the issue using key words relating to the issue. 50 to 80 characters recommended. Description should cover the problem, the action, and the location (if relevant).}

Summary (optional)

{If the title is insufficient for summarizing the bug, use the summary to detail the bug as concisely as possible. 3-4 sentences recommended.}


{Detail the specific environment used when the bug was encountered.}

Steps to reproduce

{An ordered list of the steps taken where the result was encountering the bug. Include any observations of relevance such as unexpected output, visual glitches, unusual process duration.}

Observed behavior

{Briefly describe the result of the steps taken that resulted in the bug being encountered. Avoid any assumptions regarding the behavior.}

Expected behavior (optional)

{Briefly describe the expected result of the steps taken.}

Proof (optional)

{Provide a copy of any relevant logs, screenshots, or malformed output if relevant.}

Test data (optional)

{If the bug is only encountered when using specific test data, provide a copy of that data. If the data needs to be redacted, please ensure the redacted data also causes the unexpected behavior using the same steps.}

Additional context (optional)

{If any additional context is required, detail that context here.}

{Please keep in mind the project team may need additional clarification after the report is submitted.}
